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New Report Comparing Human Security Paradigms

Human Security Roundtable
In May, 2012, 3P co-sponsored a special roundtable meeting that brought together senior representatives from the United Nations, the World Bank, the European Union, the US Department of State, USAID, Defense Department, NGOs, academics, and grantmakers to discuss the various ways these institutions are defining and operationalizing concepts like Human Security, Protection of Civilians, Citizen Security, and others.

3P Director Lisa Schirch compiled a new report based on the May meeting titled, “From Protection of Civilians to Human Security: Comparing and Contrasting Principles, Distinctions, and Institutionalization.” The report summarizes how key institutions and experts are defining and operationalizing these concepts to identify important distinctions in how they are understood and used. Interpretations and expectations of roles these various institutions play are in conflict in some cases. By describing and mapping institutional approaches and definitions, the report aims to provide information that will enable enable problemsolving and further dialogue to clarify and
reduce tensions between approaches.

The report is structured as follows:
1. Summary Points of Agreement and Difference
2. Description of Key Principles
3. Comparing Institutional Principles
4. Institutional Responses to “Protection of Civilians”–UN, US agencies, NGOs
5. Institutional Responses to “Civilian Security” – US State Department
6. Institutional Responses to “Citizen Security” – World Bank
7. Institutional Responses to “Human Security” – UN, European Union, GPPAC
8. Participants in the Human Security Roundtable and Speaker bios
To read the full report, please click here

3P plans to continue facilitating this important dialogue and widen the circle of stakeholders. Participants may convene for a second roundtable later in the Fall to follow-up on issues raised and deepen the discussion.

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