After safely weathering Hurricane Sandy, 3P hosted a panel discussion titled "From Conflict Analysis to Peacebuilding Impact: Lessons from the People’s Peacebuilding
Perspectives Project" that featured experts from Saferworld and Conciliation Resources on October 31 at the El-Hibri Charitable Foundation. The panel presented new
from the People's Peacemaking
Perspectives project that illustrates the benefits, success criteria and challenges to
taking a participatory approach to conflict analysis. Rigorous conflict
analysis is essential for all actors operating in settings of violence and
social conflict. Many different assessment frameworks are in use by various
international non-governmental and governmental institutions working in
development, peacebuilding, and governance sectors, including US agencies. But
analysis tools and the manner in which assessments are conducted vary widely,
with mixed results.

Zahbia Yousuf, Peacebuilding Editor and Analyst, Conciliation Resources
Janet Mohammed, West Africa Programme Director, Conciliation Resources
Janet Mohammed, West Africa Programme Director, Conciliation Resources
Teresa Dumasy, Head of Policy and
Learning, Conciliation Resources
James Ndung’U, Project Manager,
Saferworld- Kenya
Robert Parker, Director of Policy and
Communications, Saferworld