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Peacebuilding Principles in Global Development Policies: South-North Civil Society Collaboration

The Civil Society "Core Group" of the IDPS (International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding) is a network of Southern and Northern civil society organizations that are collaborating to engage with governments on issues of development effectiveness in conflict-affected states. 3P and AfP met with other members of the Core Group in The Hague to discuss opportunities, goals, and strategies for promoting peacebuilding approaches to international engagement in conflict-affected countries.  The conference helped strengthen and enhance the impact of the Civil Society Core Group to further streamline civil society's collaboration across conflict-affected countries and Northern donor countries.

3P also works actively within the Core Group's "Political Strategy Working Group" (PSWG), chaired by Melanie Greenberg, President of the Alliance for Peacebuilding, and Larry Attree, Conflict & Security Advisor for Saferworld. The working group's mandate is to develop and steer the Core Group's strategies for increasing political will among donor and host governments for making the concrete reforms needed in bilateral aid systems and country-level development processes for more sustainable peacebuilding and statebuilding outcomes in conflict-affected societies.

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