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Event: Aid Effectiveness in Fragile States

Dec 15, 2011 

Post-Busan Debrief on Aid Effectivess in Conflict-Affected Regions
U.S. government and civil society representatives who participated in the Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan, Republic of Korea Nov 29 - Dec 1 offered analysis of the major outcomes of the historic forum and what it means for US-sponsored aid mechanisms and the larger discussion of development effectiveness, especially in conflict-affected and fragile states.
 3P initiated collaboration with the Alliance forPeacebuilding, the Woodrow Wilson Center, USAID, InterAction, and CDA Collaborative Learning Projects to host a post-Busan de-briefing event on Dec 15th. 

Click here for the event agenda.
Click here for a recording of the event.

From left: South African Ambassador to the U.S. Ibrahim Rasool,3P Program Manager John Filson, and World Vision Senior Policy Advisor Randy Tift
 Leaders of the official USG delegation to Busan and several CSO participants in Busan provided analysis of the historic forum and its implications for the way USAID and other donors approach international development cooperation. The second of two panels focused on the effectiveness questions in conflict-affected and fragile states, such as G7+ countries in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa where the lack of effective development is a major obstacle to human security. Most of the 19 G7+ countries have not yet reached a single Millennium Development Goal, and it was the sense of both U.S. officials and CSO representatives that the US must do more to foster genuine improvement.

Steve Pierce, Senior Advisor, Office of Donor Engagement,
 Bureau for Policy, Planning  and Learning, USAID

Alliance for Peacebuilding Fall Gathering

Dec 7, 2011

3P organized two policy events for the Fall Gathering of members of the Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP), the leading U.S.-based network of peacebuilding institutions and practitioners working worldwide:

Conflict Prevention Capacities in the U.S. Government:
The first was a panel presentation by Gustavo Delgado and Tod Wilson of the State Department's new Conflict and Stabilization Operations(CSO) Bureau and Mary Stata, the Coordinator of the Prevention and Protection Working Group about the new structures the government is putting in place to improve its overall capacity to prevent violent conflict and mass atrocities. The State Department officials described the vision and creation of the CSO Bureau, and Ms. Stata informed AfP members about the new inter-agency Atrocities Prevention Board, as well as updates on key Congressional budget accounts that provides the funds for conflict prevention activities. 

 Material Support Regulations that Restrict Critical Peacebuilding:
The second event was a participatory discussion of U.S. "material support" to terrorism regulations that have placed a chilling effect on important track II peacebuilding, development, and humanitarian relief activities around the world. AfP members heard from Kay Guinane of the Charity and SecurityNetwork (CSN) and Sharon Bradford Franklin of The Constitution Project about the latest discussions with the State Department, Treasury, and Justice Dept. exploring various potential legal mechanisms that would allow critical peacebuilding activities to resume without the fear of being prosecuted for material support

Civil Society - State Relations

December 5, 2011 

National Security from the Outside-In
Stimson Center and Global Systems Initiative, Washington DC
Lisa Schirch presented with Clare Lockhart of the Institute for State Effectiveness on the need for more complex understandings of civil society-state relations. 

Bonn Civil Society Forum Afghanistan

Dec 2 - 3, 2011 

3P attended the Bonn, Germany Civil Society Forum on Afghanistan

Also read our Common Ground News Service Article: Afghan Civil Society Calls for Just Peace.

Watch our 5 minute YouTube video to hear about Afghan civil society and their messages to the international community: Civil Society Forum Afghanistan - Bonn 2011